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Butterscotch for Breakfast


Updated: Jul 5, 2021

As some of you may know my youngest one has a cow milk allergy. Dairy free chocolate chips have been hard to come by so I order chips from an organic marketplace to use. A few mornings ago I realized I had fallen down on my job and all we had that was safe for little one was butterscotch chips which she had not had before. We made sourdough pancakes for breakfast which went over very well (Recipe over on Instagram—my link is at the bottom of the page) and for the upcoming week I decided to make quick sourdough discard muffins.

I used a sourdough discard recipe I had used many times before and of course my oldest wanted to help so I savored every moment I could of her wanting to spend time together.

A great job for kiddos is letting them out paper liners in the muffin pan and mixing until the batter gets too sticky (which it does), then laddling the batter into the cups. I gave mine a 1/3 cup measuring cup to do this with and it made much less of a mess.

Anyone else have kiddos in the awkward preteen stage where they equally want your attention but also to criticize everything and not want to listen.

The muffins turned out delicious and I somehow forgot to take a picture of the finished result but I recommend trying them anyway!

Original recipe inspired by Little Spoon Farm


Butterscotch Sourdough Discard Muffins


1 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1/2 cup sourdough starter

2 tsp baking powder

3/4 cup sugar (I use the sugar in the raw)

1/2 tsp salt

1/3 cup oil (I use grape seed or avocado)

1 large egg

3-4 tbs almond milk, unsweetened

1/8 tsp vanilla

3/4 cups butterscotch chips


Preheat oven to 350’F

You can mix the dry ingredients and set aside adding them to the wet ingredients but I’ll be honest and say that this recipe whips up quickly so I dump it all in, mix it up and bake for about 12 mins at 350’F.

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