There is nothing I love more than sitting down with a big seed catalog, a cup of tea and stick notes or a pad and pen to plan out my future garden season.
There is something about ordering all those possibilities in a packet. Because that’s what they are; possibilities—of a future plant, a future fruit or vegetable and even a future meal. It reminds me that small things make a difference--be it in the garden or in acts of kindness.
I'm a total garden nerd in that I have my seed catalogs in easy reach, my seeds are in a "photo" storage container with labels, I have a google document with my current seed inventory. This makes my busy, often anxious brain happy and my garden planning go more smoothly.
For new gardeners, you need to use guidance regarding your zone (if you're in the US) otherwise by your first frost and last frost date. Now--there are frost hardy veggies out there and other things to extend your season (like cold frames) but for the most part when you are in the early stages of learning, to keep you encouraged I would grow according to your "zone" for optimal success.
For my experience gardeners--we do what we want, haha. Many of us more stubborn gardeners are like---I'm gonna try to grow this anyway (because as one my favorite Youtube mentor says: If you grow nothing you get nothing). I always add at least one [half-dozen] new experiments to my garden every season. I think because I have low expectations I'm always at least a little surprised. For me, this year was thai long beans and they ended up being my most successful plant of the entire gardening year.
I'm not affiliated with any of the following seed companies and I have begun saving my own seeds at this point but here is a list of who I've ordered from and grown well so far:
Regardless of whom, what, where you get your seeds from I hope you grow SOMETHING. There are so many benefits to growing something but that's for another article. Now is a great time to start thinking about buying seeds for spring. It's not too early as seeds for 2022 are starting to already arrive on shelves. For zone 9a, I start some of my plants indoors at the beginning of the new year, I may even start my tomatoes earlier because in 10-12 weeks they need to be going in the ground outside. It's also still possible to get some of last year's seeds at a great discount and that sell by date on the back of a pack does not mean the seeds have "expired". As long as they have been kept dry and relatively cool most seeds will last several years.
I love new growing and gardening ideas so please feel free to share some of yours with me!
Happy Growing!